
Artificially Intelligent Cattle

Author: chitti

  • Key Points on Dairy Nutrition in Grazing Systems

    Overall, while grazing systems offer a low-cost feed source, they require careful management of nutrient balance and supplementation to ensure optimal milk production, animal health, and farm profitability.

  • Annual Forage Crops for Dairy Farms

    Annual forage crops are those that are grown for a single year and can provide flexibility and high yields on dairy farms. Unlike perennials, which last for multiple years, annuals must be replanted each season, allowing farmers to change crops as needed. Examples of annual forages include corn, sorghum, and small grains like rye, triticale,…

  • Key Components of Successful Perennial Forage Production

    This post provides an overview of perennial forage crops and their management on dairy farms. Perennial forages, such as alfalfa, clovers, and various grasses, are crops that grow for multiple years, offering several advantages, including reducing the need for annual planting, protecting soil during winter, and improving soil structure and organic matter. These crops also…

  • Forage Production Systems

    Forages are non-grain crops that are fed to dairy cows. Common dairy farm forages include legumes like alfalfa and clover, grasses such as ryegrass and orchardgrass, and grain crops like corn grown for silage or small grains and sorghums harvested for forage. Forages play multiple critical roles on a dairy farm, providing not only the…

  • A1 vs A2 milk

    The information from the studies on A1 and A2 milk highlights a few key points regarding the differences between these milk types and the health implications of consuming them: Conclusion While there is considerable interest in the potential health benefits of A2 milk compared to A1 milk, the scientific evidence remains inconclusive. The difference in…

  • Summary of Dairy Cattle Genetics

    Dairy Cattle Breed Statistics and Crossbreeding The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) provides statistics on various traditional dairy breeds in the United States that are enrolled in Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) testing programs. Crossbreeding is gaining popularity due to its potential to produce cattle with high milk yield, excellent fertility, and health. Geneticists recommend…

  • Technology in Dairy Cattle Genetics

    Overview of Genetic Response Formula Before diving into genomic selection, it’s important to revisit the genetic response formula, which defines the rate of genetic progress in dairy cattle. This formula is based on four key factors: By optimizing these factors, dairy geneticists have achieved substantial genetic progress over the years. However, as of 2008, the…

  • Trends in Dairy Cattle Genetics

    Historical Changes in Dairy Cattle Over the last several decades, the dairy industry has seen substantial changes in cattle genetics, primarily focusing on traits that enhance milk yield and quality. The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding provides extensive data that illustrate how dairy cows in the United States, especially Holstein, Jersey, and Brown Swiss breeds,…

  • Genetic Selection in Dairy Cattle

    The process of genetic selection in dairy cattle involves more than simply selecting for higher milk yield. While milk production is crucial, dairy farmers prioritize a combination of traits that influence both the economic viability and sustainability of their operations. Key Points of Genetic Selection: Overall, genetic selection in dairy farming involves a complex balancing…